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OCD Brittany Webb OCD Brittany Webb

What is Relationship OCD (R-OCD)?

Relationship OCD (R-OCD) is a subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder that affects romantic, familial, and platonic relationships. People with R-OCD experience intrusive thoughts and compulsions that lead to persistent doubts about their feelings or the feelings of others, resulting in significant distress. Common symptoms include obsessive doubts, reassurance-seeking, hyper-focus on flaws, and constant comparisons. R-OCD can be triggered by genetic factors, past traumas, and personal insecurities, and can worsen with stress, lack of sleep, and avoidance behaviors.

R-OCD can impact any relationship, from romantic partners to friendships and family bonds. Managing R-OCD involves understanding the disorder, practicing mindfulness, and reducing compulsive behaviors. The gold standard treatment for R-OCD is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, which helps individuals confront their fears and resist compulsions, ultimately reducing symptoms and improving relationship quality. By learning to manage R-OCD, individuals can reclaim their peace and build healthier connections.

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Brittany Webb Brittany Webb

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity recognizes and celebrates the natural variations in how we think, learn, and interact with the world. Rather than viewing conditions like Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and OCD as deficits, neurodiversity embraces these differences as valuable aspects of human diversity.

While neurodivergent individuals often face challenges like sensory overload, social interaction difficulties, and organizational struggles, there are many strategies and tools that can help, including routines, sensory aids, and mindfulness techniques. Therapy plays a crucial role, offering both individual and group support tailored to each person’s unique needs.

At Better Minds Counseling & Services, our compassionate therapists are dedicated to helping neurodivergent individuals thrive. Contact us today to learn how personalized therapy can empower you to embrace your strengths and navigate life’s challenges with confidence.

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Brittany Webb Brittany Webb

How People-Pleasing Can Fuel Depression and Anxiety

Discover how people-pleasing behaviors can fuel anxiety and depression, eroding your sense of self and leading to emotional exhaustion. Learn to recognize the signs, break free from the cycle, and reclaim your well-being with actionable strategies and therapeutic support.

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Brittany Webb Brittany Webb

Understanding OCD and How ERP Therapy Can Help

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) involves persistent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that disrupt daily life. Common themes include perfectionism, contamination, and harm. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a highly effective therapy for OCD. ERP gradually exposes individuals to their fears while preventing compulsive behaviors, helping them break the cycle of OCD and regain control over their lives.

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Brittany Webb Brittany Webb

What is the difference between stress and anxiety?

Stress and anxiety are used interchangeably but really what is the difference? How is stress different from anxiety? The answers are here. Whether it be stress or anxiety, know that both do not need to stop you in your path.

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Brittany Webb Brittany Webb

Who Am I Now?

Have you ever wondered who you truly are? Find safety and discovery through a group exploration, to get in touch with who you are.

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Brittany Webb Brittany Webb

Embracing Healing Together: The Transformative Power of Online Group Therapy

Online group therapy offers accessible, convenient, and cost-effective mental health support from home. It fosters community, provides diverse perspectives, and ensures confidentiality. Effective for anxiety, depression, and life challenges, it promotes self-exploration and healing. Join Better Minds Counseling Services to start your journey.

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