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OCD Brittany Webb OCD Brittany Webb

What is Relationship OCD (R-OCD)?

Relationship OCD (R-OCD) is a subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder that affects romantic, familial, and platonic relationships. People with R-OCD experience intrusive thoughts and compulsions that lead to persistent doubts about their feelings or the feelings of others, resulting in significant distress. Common symptoms include obsessive doubts, reassurance-seeking, hyper-focus on flaws, and constant comparisons. R-OCD can be triggered by genetic factors, past traumas, and personal insecurities, and can worsen with stress, lack of sleep, and avoidance behaviors.

R-OCD can impact any relationship, from romantic partners to friendships and family bonds. Managing R-OCD involves understanding the disorder, practicing mindfulness, and reducing compulsive behaviors. The gold standard treatment for R-OCD is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, which helps individuals confront their fears and resist compulsions, ultimately reducing symptoms and improving relationship quality. By learning to manage R-OCD, individuals can reclaim their peace and build healthier connections.

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